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the global hotel industry

Hotel Yearbook 2036 - Eyewitness reports from the year 2036 (Political Changes)

Author of “See Your New Normal”
Woody Wade darkWoody Wade light


Since 2007, The Hotel Yearbook has provided thousands of decision makers in the hotel industry with valuable opinions and insights on what may be in store in the year ahead. To celebrate the 10th anniversary of this forward-looking publication, The Hotel Yearbook 2036 breaks completely new ground, taking a giant leap 20 years into the future. Written from the viewpoint of the year 2036, the book presents dozens of 'eyewitness reports' from the future: interviews conducted with fictitious hotel industry executives, consultants, experts – and guests – who describe the world of 2036 from their own perspective, and in doing so, illuminate the dramatic changes that hotel companies will confront between 2016 and 2036.